Przeczytaj naszą Politykę Prywatności:
Projekt Dofinansowany z Funduszy Europejskich. Więcej informacji
Our experience is a 20 years of existence and thousands of fully completed transactions that led to cost optimization of manufacturers business expenditures. Our team consist of specialists that are skilled in different product categories. We provide national and foreign storage facilities.
We assure you with the highest level of security, starting from contactors reliability to complete and punctual delivery. We care about your comfort that is why your transactions are monitored on every single stage.
We respect your time by simplification of processes, import increased profitability and risk elimination. Thanks to our experience you mustn’t worry about formalities. Clients have appreciated our services and thanks to it we are connected with long-term cooperation and business partnership.
We provide a professional advice.
We cooperate with the beginning entrepreneurs and huge enterprises. Our services are flexible and form of cooperation is adjusted to your needs. All you have to do is to tell us what kind of goods are you interested in, and we will take care of that.
Management OfficeAl. Solidarności 117 lok 210a00-140 Warszawa |
Operations CentreUl. Kiedrzyńska 27/2942-200 Częstochowa |